Tony Robbins often talks about the Six Human Needs;
Love, Significance, Variety, Consistency,
and the two that most people don't achieve on a regular basis is;
Growth and Contribution
So DynamicMike (Founder & Chairman of the PDCYES group) decided from the outset that he wanted to bring that opportunity to the members & attendees of our regular meetings.
At our third event 13th March 2022, Mike invited Louise and Susan to share the local school project that they have been helping with.
The two women have been regularly volunteering their own time to help and teach the schoolchildren.
Louise has TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualifications, and Susan who is a native Mexican, has been teaching Mathematics.
Neither women have any previous teaching experience or qualifications.
The number and ages of the pupils affected around mixed gender and aged 10-17, and the average income/lifestyle of the locals in the area is very low, and we invited the attendees of the day to contribute, with 100% of the donations going directly towards helping the pupils, and zero going to the school.
Once again, we were delighted with the fund-raising efforts from our attendees from the day of just under 3,500 pesos.
The women have promised to give us all an update at our future events.
If you would like to contribute financially and/or give some physical time to the project, please contact us on the telegram or WhatsApp group and we'll keep you posted.
With the funds we raised at the PDCYES event, Susan and Louise negotiated some special deals and bought some goodie bag ingredients (mostly toiletries that are often seen as luxuries by the pupils and their families) to gift to each pupil, including a little plastic basket rather than a bag for each, as they felt that the basket would last longer and be used more in future.
A big thanks to all PDCYES attendees who contributed to the project.