PDCYES - Sunday 3rd April 2022

Sunday 3rd April 2022
Time: 1pm - 3pm

Buzos Restaurant, 26th St, 25y30 Ave


Phoenix Rising
Louise Van der Velde

Author of "Decent Proposal"
Louise has been interviewed for TV many times, invited to be the expert columnist in the newspapers, and always on the go, Louise juggles it all whilst running her own very busy businesses.

Louise brought herself up from 11 years old, this could have gone either way - it went both ways, but after some deep healing, through  NLP and psychology, she became a fearless entrepreneur, employing 400 people by the time she was 22 years old.

Of course her story doesn't end there, happy after ever - She went on to build a chain of medical clinics that are still running today, and after 10 years training in psychology, NLP, Timeline Therapy, and later 4 years in Indiana learning Yoga, Tantra and Meditation, she felt unstoppable.

- whilst becoming a millionairess in her 30s should have seen her made for life - she lost everything almost overnight  - including and most tragically, her husband and father to her two children through an accident.
Hher daughter nearly died at 2 years old also, and so with all of her properties and assets gone and 2 small children to support, she of course had to carry on - She was invited onto mainstream TV - just one week after her husbands death - she went on with a brave face.

Soon afterwards, Louise was paid 10s of thousands a month to put her name to some crazy stories in the newspapers - (surprise surprise, not all entirely true news)  but all in the name of entertainment and supporting her family
- she became typecast as a leading unconditional love teacher - something that she does believe is very true despite the crazy media headlines
- Louise later was blessed to meet incredible Shamans, and since has completely reinvented herself - followed divine guidance, and she now has a Global Network of Impact Investors
- Louise now owns a Medtech company and is franchising medical clinics as well as acquiring a mega yacht with cutting edge healing technologies.

Louise has come to teach us, how to truly surrender, completely trust everything, however painful it may seem, she regularly tunes into her guides (her husband is one).
She will teach us all how to communicate clearly with our higherself and guides.




12-Mindset Shifts to Get Your Happiness, Health & Work in Alignment
Athena Simpson

Hear the story of how two life-crises, multiple kamikaze moments, and leaving behind her life, career and business behind in London to run away to the circus helped her finally get her sh** together.

From being a roadie, to corporate rebel, to serial entrepreneur, she realized that the answer to living the elusive, balanced, successful life was rooted in self-mastery. And there were 12 specific mindset shifts needed to live the life & career of her dreams, on her own terms.

Leave inspired to take charge of your destiny, angry you haven’t done it before, and believe that you have it in you to be live the UNRESTRICTED life of your dreams


  • Athena is a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, High Performance Enthusiast, Writer, Podcast Host, and Founder of UNRESTRICTED which helps women uncover their superpowers in life & business by training their mind, body and how they work to thrive at the marathon of life.
  • Before that she was Partner & CMO at YFood, a Food Tech media company and organizer of London Food Tech Week, the world's largest Food Tech Festival. She's also worked at and with the likes of Xbox, Diageo, Just Eat, Microsoft, The UK Government, Live Nation, Linkin Park, Guinness World Records, and more.
  • She can also be found performing stand up comedy and dancing across the Yucatan







Time to Appreciate

 - Kellie Koppel


As we move into the shifting energies of the New Year, Kellie Koppel will wrap up the day by taking us through a powerful energy activation to help us get grounded, find balance, and discover our unique and perfect direction this year!

Actress, Filmmaker, and Entrepreneur, Kellie Koppel, has been on a journey through spiritual and healing arts in Los Angeles for over two decades. As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and Certified Clarity Breathwork Facilitator, and practitioner at Beneveda, one of Beverly Hills leading Energy Medical Centers. She has cultivated an exclusive clientele as an intuitive spiritual coach and business development consultant for many of the top professionals and energy workers in Los Angeles.

After two consecutive near-death experiences, each leaving her unable to walk, she experienced a profound soul shift and activation; which she now brings to people all over the world in what she calls “soul restoration” work. Holding a space of Light and Love, she supports clients in identifying and releasing limiting beliefs and patterns which have prevented the expression of their soul’s deepest truth and resonance.

Through empowerment sessions, clients are supported in releasing dense subconscious emotional patterns held in cells, and are then empowered with techniques to raise their own frequency at any time. After this energy work, many have shared that they feel lighter, happier, some with a sense of euphoria, calm, understanding, and self-love.

Kellie believes that you can not control what life brings you; but you Can control how you experience it; and her passion has been to help empower people with the awareness to choose how they want to experience life.






Where and When

Sunday 3rd April 2022
Time: 1pm - 3pm

Buzos Restaurant, Calle 26 Norte S/N, Ave 25-30
Gonzalo Guerrero Playa del Carmen


Registration is NOT required.
Simply turn up at Buzos on with your beautiful energy and biggest smiles.

We would like to encourage you to STAY at Buzos after the event for lunch and chat with your newly-discovered, awesome like-minded peer group.
