PDCYES - SUNDAY 11th September 2022
Mike Berry (DynamicMike)
- What if it's not a coincidence that you're here now...
Some of you may already know Mike Berry as 'dynamicmike'.
Mike was the Founder and Chairman of the YES-group Scotland in 2001
and he decided that Playa Del Carmen had attracted the perfect mix of positive-minded, successful expats who were keen to evolve, as well as giving back to the community.
With a plethora of skills and experience, Mike has been invited to speak around the world and has hosted numerous events and workshops around a variety of subjects.
For the PDCYES group, Mike will invite you to answer a series of questions that will challenge your previous thinking...
Roy / Rodrigo at Oasis Maya
Rodrigo is a local Mexican and invites us to call him Roy.
Roy has been living at the Oasis Maya (we lovingly refer to it as the jungle project) for the last eight years.
The Oasis Maya was going to be (yet another) the nearest Five Star resort to the centre of Playa and the building and land development was under way before it was stopped.
This means that it is now the closest protected jungle land to the centre of town, and it also has the added advantage of being on beautiful beachfront location.
The Oasis Maya now has a number of projects running that the expats may be interested in, such as; Yoga, Cinema, Stand Up paddle, How to Live Off-Grid.
Kayleigh - Helping Local Families
Kay has been helping local families for the last two years.
- Every second weekend we pack the bags on Saturday and pass them out on Sundays after they have a service.
- On Thursdays we hold a safe space for the women in abusive relationships. Offering support. This is new we just started this part.
- We collect donations of second hand objects and sell them to raise money for the food bags.
- We run strictly off donations and all the money goes directly to the families. We help anyway we can.
- We help with medical bills, back to school to make sure the children are able to get an education, help the women become self sufficient.
Where and When
Sunday 11th September 2022
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Buzos Restaurant, Calle 26 Norte S/N, Ave 25-30
Gonzalo Guerrero Playa del Carmen
Registration is NOT required.
Simply turn up at Buzos on with your beautiful energy and biggest smiles.
We would like to encourage you to STAY at Buzos after the event for lunch and chat with your newly-discovered, awesome like-minded peer group.