You may have already observed that we (predominantly Mike) put in a LOT of time and energy into creating & hosting each PDCYES event, and we are so very grateful for your regular attendance which reassures us that we have got the formula right, and you also enjoy being with our outstanding like-minded peer-group.
We do not charge for entry to the events, and 100% of any sponsor contributuons go directly to the local community project of the month.
We would like to start building a little treasure chest to help with incidentals and more expensive periods such as feeding 100+ families at Christmas-time, and we would also like to reimburse Mike for his many contributions.
As ever, even $5 donation is very much appreciated, and if you can afford $50 or even $500, even better.
All donations are very welcome and much appreciated.
You may click on the button below, select your preferred currency and amount you would like to donate.
A paypal account is not required for this.